Our Five Characteristics

1. An Academy founded by medical university professors and trainers from within the care workplace
One to One Welfare Education Academy's educators comprise experienced medical school professors, care facility directors, leaders within care work, and care managers, who have come together to establish a specialist medical and care training company.
Each of our employees has experience in training in a medical or care environment. Their experience in creating workplace roadmaps, training human resources in the medical and care fields, and dealing with incidents, allows them to understand the various concerns of staff dealing with issues in a wide range of medical and care settings, as well as the trials of being a workplace leader or manager.
Based on this experience, we have been able to develop a training curriculum and teaching methods that offer practical education to equip staff with the skills that are really required in the workplace, and to establish specialist training for the medical and care environments.

2. Over 5,000 people attend our courses every year.
The One to One Academy is commissioned each year to provide training courses by public sector organizations, Councils of Social Welfare and other social welfare organizations throughout Japan, as well as staff training at care homes for the elderly.
More than 5,000 people take one of our courses each year – more than any other training organization in Japan.

3. Medical/Care Practical Curriculum
Our lecturers have practical experience of training within the medical and care workplaces, and teach a high-quality curriculum based on their rich experience.
We teach practical techniques online that can be immediately implemented in the workplace.
Our lecturers also have practical experience of the problems that can occur within the medical and care workplaces, and teach a curriculum based on their experience of considering "what went wrong here?" and "why did it happen?" in regard to failures that they have experienced.
Since they teach based on experience of the workplace, you are able to apply what you have learned immediately in your own work.

4. Unique Training Methods
Medical and care workplace training tends to be repeated over and over again, so that both those who teach and those who learn can become exhausted by the process. This is often because neither party is really able to imagine the situation in which the other finds itself.
Our lecturers, however, always implement their own practical advice first, in order to demonstrate and give those learning a clear image of what they are saying.
They also ensure that those learning implement the advice, to check for themselves that it works correctly.
By explaining and hearing explanations of what went well and what went badly, they teach the learner the reasons and rationale behind care work.
In this way, by learning what it is they do not understand, learners avoid the errors caused by misinterpretations that arise from gaps in their knowledge, and find a deeper level of knowledge.

5. One to One System
The medical and care training system that we first established within these industries involves a combination of lectures, practical sessions and technique training, based on examples, problems and experiences that actually occurred in the workplace, allowing learners to prevent accidents and deal with emergency situations during meals, bathtime, excretion and transportation, and prevent the spread of infection.
Furthermore, we teach "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu" during practical training, which can be put to use on the same day, allowing staff to implement care techniques that completely eliminate pain in their lower back.