Taking "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu" to the world
We plan to establish Care Vocational Schools, which teach "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu", throughout the world in order to solve the care-related problems caused by ageing and low birth rates.
We will train world-class care workers and specialists in physical function recovery in order to standardize excellent care.
Target for Action
- Establish Care Vocational Schools throughout the world to teach and spread "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu"
- Create partnerships between Saitama Medical University and hospitals, universities and care projects throughout the world
- Publish papers regarding "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu", and increase the evidence to back it up

In the space of 24 years, the proportion of the population of Japan aged 65 and older has reached 17%. The country is facing historic levels of ageing within the population, accompanied by an extremely low birth rate, and there is a care crisis as a result.
This care crisis must be solved, and Japan has constructed world-leading care infrastructure, through the introduction of a long-term care insurance system and a program of care home construction.
My care technique, which the first in the world to be backed by medical evidence, has been noticed by people around the world, and between 2022 and 2023 I was lucky enough to be invited, as someone who has played a role in the creation of Japan's care infrastructure, to speak in Monaco, Dubai and Saudi Arabia.
The average age of citizens in Monaco is 54.46 years, significantly older than Japan's 48.75. Monaco is now the country with the oldest average age in the world.
As a result, they have more issues with elderly care than any other country, and therefore Monaco has set itself the challenge of becoming a world-leader in elderly care.
It has been decided that we will found a school of "Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu" in Monaco, which will train care helpers.
While in Monaco, I gave a demonstration of the care technique on a gentleman who was at least two heads taller than me at over 2m in height.
I am sure that everyone watching was wondering whether I would be able to move him! They must have had severe doubts.
When I was able to lift him easily up from the bed, however, people were amazed and said, "it's a miracle!" Was I able to move a man so much more well-built than myself because I am strong? No, that's not it at all.
I myself suffered a stroke in my 30s and still have some residual paralysis in my left side.
And now in my 60s, I am currently battling stage 4 cancer.
I might look as though I am living a normal life, but as a result of my illnesses and treatments I have almost no strength in my arms. I can hardly grip anything with either of my hands.
I lost the grip strength in my left hand as a result of residual paralysis due to the stroke, and that in my right hand because I had an emergency operation to transplant muscles from the right side of my chest.
However, even with such a severe lack of strength, it is possible to implement physical care on another if you understand the correct way to go about it.
You don't need to rely on the strength of your arms at all.
“Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu” is a means of providing physical assistance without needing particular physical strength, and even people as weakened as I am can do it.
The fact that you don't need strength also means that you won't hurt your body (especially your back).
Forceful care can cause back pain, but if “Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu” is used correctly, the burden on the lower back will be almost eliminated.
In fact, I have demonstrated “Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu” many times in training sessions, and I have never had back pain.
Throughout the world, care work still basically relies on physical strength, which places a burden on both the carer and the person being cared for.
I hope that my technique will spread throughout Japan and then throughout the world in order to help everyone who needs it.